Our team, led by Dr Sergei Brukovskyi, Doctor of Chemical sciance and Igal Zamir, Israeli biophysicist, leading specialist on quantum genetics and bioinformation protection of living organisms. Igal and Sergei together has been developing a new concept of information security for living organisms for more than thirty years. We have developed the bioinformational influence methods based on new physical principles using proven know-how. In turn, the successful application of our methods reinforces the hypothesis of the existence of a single information field in the Universe and the presence in it of complete information about the ideal state of both a separate living organism and entire biological systems. Our priorities are the protection and restoration of human, animal and plant health, environmental remediation of the planet and its biological resources. Despite the novelty and uniqueness of our technologies, they are quite well checked and tested in practice, including the work of our like-minded people (e.g., Petr Garyaev) in other world countries. Our team can responsibly declare the fact that the usage of our programs allows us to optimize living organisms’ development and completely neutralize the harmful effect of any technology-driven and hepatogenic interference caused by any methods, known and even previously unknown to science.
We alwayes on line:
5 Lower Road, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2156, South Africa
E-mail: bsv@global.co.za
Тел.: +27 82 902 1985