The Waters That Bring Life
​​Structured Water
​Without a doubt, water is absolutely essential for our health, we could not survive without it. That said, there is more to water than many people realise.
Rather than simply being an inactive physical substance, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto demonstrated that water also has the ability to receive and retain information from its environment. He even theorised and investigated the concept that the thoughts and emotions of a person could have an effect on the molecular structure of water. This was as a result of the underlying frequencies from the person interfering with the formation of solid water crystals.
Similar conclusions have been drawn by Dr. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington, who found that water is greatly affected by sunlight – which is made up of visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation – and this can alter the molecular structure of water, creating what is known as structured water.
Water is well known to have three distinct phases, solid ice, liquid water and gas water vapour. Through his study of the science of water for over a decade, however, Dr. Gerald Pollack theorised that water also has a fourth phase. The formal name for this phase is Exclusion Zone (EZ) water and it is found at interfaces.